Vari-Green Motors
The Vari-Green® motor is a highly reliable, energy efficient, electronically commutated (EC) motor, capable of an 80% turndown. Simple to control, through an onboard potentiometer or any 0-10V signal, the Vari-Green motor is compatible with all Vari-Green controls and many industry controls.
Vari-Green Motor, Single Phase
The electronically commutated (EC) Vari-Green (VG) motor combines technology, controllability and energy-efficiency into one single low-maintenance unit. Motors are available in single phase with sizes ranging from 1/15 to 2 hp and extended RPM motors in ½ and ¾ hp.
Vari-Green Motor, Single/Three Phase
The electronically commutated (EC) Vari-Green (VG) motor combines technology, controllability and energy-efficiency into one single low-maintenance unit. Motors are available in single and three-phase, sizes ranging from 1 to 10 hp. Modbus, shaft grounding and I/O's are standard on these nominal HP Vari-Green motors.